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Ecosystemize Your Business

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co-created by strategy practitioners
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What is Ecosystemize Your Business about?

Our new book – Ecosystemize Your Business, will become the go-to management handbook for mastering the next stage of the global digital revolution. Taking advantage of ecosystem opportunities will be essential for ongoing innovation and successful growth. We believe the future lies in "ecosystemized" businesses strategies, requiring a whole-brain, whole-person approach that combines thinking and conceptualizing with feeling and action.

“Ecosystemized companies will have a clear advantage in the years to come. They will set standards, define the rules for business and become market leaders by shifting profit pools away from conventional business”
Prof. Dr. Julian Kawohl Portrait Image
Julian Kawohl
Who should read it

Our book is for

Ecosystemize Your Business is for Corporates


Ecosystemize Your Business is for SMEs


Ecosystemize Your Business is for Investors


Ecosystemize Your Business is for Startups


Ecosystemize Your Business is for Eexperienced Ecosystem Businesses

Experienced ecosystem businesses

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What our readers are saying

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in ecosystem development!

Dr. Nils O. Ommen

Head od Digital Solution Offer

Business ecosystems will dominate future markets.This book shows how to do it!

Erich Joachimsthaler

Founder & CEO

This book not only serves as a ready-to-use toolbox for strategists. The Ecosystemizer approach also provides a strong why for reconsidering a way to innovate and drive a company's business forward!

Teresa Schlichting


Most consultancies already show it in their depictions of the future healthcare market: digital patient ecosystems. Management principles are often based on the frameworks and tools described in this book. In most cases, the implementation of ecosystems are rather broad and less tailored. If you are interested how to build a patient-centric ecosystem with sustainable budgets, you should not miss this book. A must-read for practitioniers not only for healthcare!

Alexander Almerood

Director Marketing & Sales

"Ecosystemize Your Business" is indeed a killer guide to the new platform economy. With the Ecosystem Strategy Map and many other frameworks, it's a joy to read.

Dr. Johannes B. Berentzen


Human-centric ecosystems will be at the heart of future business and society - and set the pace for the required social and ecological transformation of our economy. This book shows how companies can establish human-centric ecosystem initiatives. A very good toolbox for industries to become an active part of this movement and help build a new company- ready for the future.

Pascal Morgan

Founder & CEO

I believe that the inter-connectiveness of life style, product, and technology is the future and Ecosystemizer has proven to me a unique tool in the strategy space to capture these elements.

Matthew Carli

Advisory Board Member

Time to look out for opportunities to explore new concepts and ideas! One book that has caught my attention is about the Ecosystem concept in businesses by Julian Kawohl. From what I have seen so far, it makes a lot of common sense and I'm excited to dive into it and explore it further.

Maximo Bandres

Head of Sales Consumer Healthcare
What you can expect

Ecosystemize Your Business is based on an easy-to-follow, step-by-step and stage-by-stage process.

It shows you how to Understand ecosystems and introduces our intuitive toolsThen, it's all about how to Strategize and Design thriving ecosystems. Finally, building and being part of highly dynamic ecosystems requires a proactive and agile way to implement your vision and Transform your business while constantly adapting to the ever-changing field.

Book Chapter 1 Illustration - Understand


The first stage on your way to innovation and growth is to learn about the relevance of ecosystems in general and what they mean for your business.

Chapter 1
Book Chapter 2 Illustration - Strategize


Once you've built your understanding of the ecosystem game, it is all about finding the best strategies to be successful.

Chapter 2
Book Chapter 3 Illustration - Design


The third stage aims to develop ecosystem solutions that solve human needs, work technologically and with partners, and use dynamics of ecosystem business and revenue models.

Chapter 3
Book Chapter 4 Illustration - Transform


The fourth stage has the goal to get the whole company “ecosystem-ready” and to help implement ecosystem initiatives.

Chapter 4

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Your Outcome

A little preview of what you get

Sustained growth

The book introduces several innovative methods, tools and strategies that help business leaders and other practitioners to adapt quickly to marketplace changes and to map out a long-term strategy for sustained growth.

Step-by-step guide

The book provides readers a step-by-step guide that places human needs in the centre of ecosystem business transformation.

Ecosystem tools

The book provides readers with the tools they need to accurately visualize, intuitively understand and successfully navigate the dynamic, ever-changing ecosystem world in which every company is destined to compete.

Ecosystemize Your Business

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More about the authors of the book

Prof. Dr. Julian Kawohl Portrait Image

Julian Kawohl

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Dr.-Ing. Denis Krechting Portrait Image

Denis Krechting

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Raffael Schilling

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Prof. Dr. Julian Kawohl Portrait Image

Prof. Dr. Julian Kawohl

Julian is the founder and CEO of Ecosystemizer and a professor for Strategic Management at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin since 2015. Before, he was the Head of Strategy of AXA Insurance, a EURO STOXX 50 company. In his role as a forethinker, he is an author, keynote speaker, and senior advisor to companies in various industries with a focus on digital transformation and ecosystems.

Dr.-Ing. Denis Krechting Portrait Image

Denis Krechting

Denis Krechting is the founder and managing director of Metropolitan Cities MC GmbH since 2019. Metropolitan Cities MC GmbH develops urban innovations in the areas of neighborhoods, buildings, mobility and logistics for cities and metropolises. After studying industrial engineering at TU Dortmund University, he completed his doctorate in organisational development at RWTH Aachen University. He is co-founder of Ecosystemizer and develops urban ecosystems.

Raffael Schilling

Raffael is advisor to Ecosystemizer and co-creator of the E2H paradigm. With a strong background in digital transformation he combines strategic thinking with hands-on startup experience and product focus. Raffael is a keynote speaker and former guest lecturer with focus on digital innovation and entrepreneurship at several German universities, including LMU Munich, WHU Vallendar and HTW Berlin.

Co-authored by 650+ strategy practitioners around the globe.

Why does the book exist and why should you read it now?

Helping companies navigate ecosystems is why we started this journey in the first place. It's why we wrote this book. With Ecosystemize Your Business, we aim to help all practitioners navigate the ecosystem jungle and win the collaboration game. We hope readers will utilize the book to master the basics, follow the process, and launch initiatives.

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If you are curious to learn more about this and additional details of ecosystem design, be sure to order your very own copy of Ecosystemize Your Business. Don’t delay. Order your very own copy of our book today.

New era. More options.
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