Ecosystemizer Blog

Tauchen Sie tief ein in die Welt der Business Ökosysteme

Julian Kawohl, Raffael Schilling

Ecosystem-to-Human (E2H): Das neue Paradigma

Der Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen strategischen Denken in Business Ökosystemen ist das neue Paradigma Ecosystem-to-Human (E2H).

May 22, 2020
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Julian Kawohl, Denis Krechting

Die 3 Rollen innerhalb von Ökosystemen: Ein Leitfaden zur Ecosystem Strategy Map

Erfahren Sie mehr über die 3 Rollen, die die Positionen von Unternehmen innerhalb von Business Ökosystemen beschreiben.

June 5, 2020
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Die 10 Lebensbereiche (Life Areas) der Ecosystem Strategy Map

Die Ecosystem Strategy Map besteht aus zwei Dimensionen: 10 Lebensbereiche (Life Areas) und 3 Rollen.

June 1, 2020
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Julian Kawohl, Ulrich Pidun, Niklas Knust, Evangelos Avramakis, Andreas Klar

The untapped potential of ecosystems in health care

Ecosystems can react to today’s big change faster and more flexible.

April 29, 2021
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Beiträge zu Business Ökosystemen aus allen Kategorien


COPETRI Convention Panel Discussion: The Power of Digital Transformation in Business Ecosystems

Expert panel insights at COPETRI Convention reveal the key to success: top-down commitment, HR's role, and embracing business ecosystems.

July 28, 2023
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Unlocking the Future: Exploring Apple's Vision Pro Headset and the Apple Card in the Ecosystem Era

Discover the strategic importance of Apple's Ecosystem Strategy and the transition from products to experiences.

July 25, 2023
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Harnessing the Power of Startups

Discover the power of Startup Collaborations in Logistics: Insights from Ronja Stoffregen, Head of Global Startup Management at DB Schenker.

July 19, 2023
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Ecosystemize Your Business: Impact and Insights

Discover the impact and insights of "Ecosystemize Your Business" in a conversation with co-author Dr. Denis Krechting.

July 14, 2023
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Unleashing Innovation and Collaboration: The Power of Open Source in Technology Ecosystems

Join us on the latest episode of VoE as we dive into the transformative world of open source and its impact on technology ecosystems.

July 7, 2023
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Discover the Power of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Change with Anika Horn

Explore the social impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems with Anika Horn, Director at Shenandoah Capital. Insights on Voices of Ecosystems.

June 16, 2023
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Unlocking the Secrets of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Insights from Andrew Jason, Director of Ecosystem at Grand Farm

The latest episode of the Voices of Ecosystems podcast is now available, featuring Andrew Jason, Director of Ecosystem at Grand Farm.

May 26, 2023
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Business Ökosystem Blog

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