We’re excited to announce that our new book Ecosystemize Your Business will be published at the beginning of May. The book is about mastering the next stage of the digital transformation in the era of business ecosystems. Adapting to this new era is essential for your company’s ongoing innovation and successful growth.
Basically, there are two kinds of companies in contemporary markets:
- traditional companies that structure their products and service offerings across segregated industry sectors; and
- forward-thinking companies that respond to the ecosystem imperative with offerings that revolve around human needs in the center.
Traditional management concepts are no longer sufficient to understand a company’s positioning in this new ecosystem world. That’s why we believe our book (Ecosystemize Your Business) is a must for any company hoping to successfully navigate the current and future business environment. The ecosystem era is here. Right now. And our new book provides business leaders and change agents with a roadmap for visualizing and navigating the challenging new era of business ecosystems.
You will learn:
To understand and simplify ecosystem complexity with a visual method we invented:
The first stage on your way to innovation and growth is to learn about the relevance of ecosystems in general and what they mean for your business. Our book will help you progress from basic understanding to wielding sophisticated tools, teaching you how to play the ecosystem game like a pro, address human needs in collaboration with partners and adopt specific ecosystem roles to establish your strongest marketplace position. To illustrate all of this, we provide numerous helpful examples as potential role models:
For instance, to illustrate the differences between a supply chain, a platform and an ecosystem, we use two examples: Apple and the German car parts producer ZF.
To identify purpose-driven business opportunities that tackle the big challenges of our time:
Once you sharpen your understanding of the ecosystem game, all about the next step is to find and implement the best strategies to be successful. This involves figuring out your company’s current ecosystem position, discussing possible strategic directions, setting up the appropriate frame and ambition for your company, and identifying the ecosystem forces at your disposal or available to your competition. You will also learn how to identify ecosystem domains and areas for future initiatives and prioritize options, while making key decisions about what is in and out of scope for future initiatives. These are the major themes of the second stage.
To illustrate ecosystem positioning, for instance, we explain the example of oil & gas company Shell.
To develop human-centric ecosystems ready to be validated in the marketplace:
The third stage will help you develop ecosystem solutions that solve human needs, work technologically and with partners, and use dynamics of ecosystem business and revenue models. This stage introduces two interconnected tools: the Ecosystem Design Grid and the Ecosystem Business Model Canvas. This is the starting point for the design and modelling of an ecosystem and for evaluating all ecosystem business models.
For instance, to illustrate the Ecosystem Design Grid we showcase Sberbank, the strongest and most valuable banking brand in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe.
To unfold your ecosystem potential and transform your company:
The fourth stage is designed to help you make your whole company “ecosystem-ready” and to implement critical ecosystem initiatives. Key tasks at this stage are communicating your new ecosystem vision, aligning everyone within your company, developing the Ecosystem Target Operating Model, managing your ecosystem portfolio, and scaling your most promising ecosystem initiatives.
For instance, to illustrate the growth of a platform-based ecosystem business model we highlight the development of the mobility startup unicorn flixmobility.
We’re looking forward to the publication of our book, which presents a research-based normative concept, corresponding tools and an end-to-end process, so readers will be empowered to systematically approach the ecosystem topic.

Our bold statement is:
The ecosystem era has begun.
If you want to learn more about this subject, make sure to buy Ecosystemize Your Business as soon as it is freely available at the beginning of May. Don't miss the launch and join our book waiting list.